White paper: Functioning and operation of Lithium-ion batteries

Lithium is a miracle metal. It is super light, and has an extraordinary electrochemical potential and has the highest energy density per weight.

Lithium has faced some backlash but has also garnered a lot of demand recently. With lithium-ion recently hitting the market, the energy density of which is higher than nickel-cadmium battery, is the lithium-ion best of the battery? Let’s find out! 

In lithium ion batteries the load character is amazing, its discharge is better than nickel cadmium. Its high cell voltage helps the battery pack for more energy in one cell. Unlike most forms of batteries, lithium ion batteries require no memory or schedule cycling to prolong and reset its battery life.

However, there is a minor drawback. That is, these batteries are fragile and require a circuit protection for safe operation. The protection puts a cap on the peak voltage during charging hours and prevent voltage dropping during discharge. Cell temperature is also monitored closely. Despite this, there is a risk of metallic lithium plating to occur. 

Another concern that lingers in the mind of the consumers relate to the age of the battery. It has been observed that despite non-usage, there is a bit of capacity deterioration noticeable after a year. After 2-3 years, the battery fails frequently. 

Due to these shortcomings, manufacturers are constantly working on ways to improve lithium-ion batteries by introducing ground-breaking and never experimented chemical combinations. With so many combinations being invented daily, computing the age of the battery becomes difficult. 

To slow the aging, manufacturers have recommended lithium-ion batteries to be stored at below 15 degree Celsius. Battery must remain at or above 40% charge at all times during storage. 

Here is a list of advantages that make a lithium ion battery a guaranteed winner:

  • Potential for yet higher capacities. Potential for higher capacity battery due to better energy density.
  •   Does not demand priming except for one full charge at the start.
  • Almost non-existence self-discharge when compared with nickel-based batteries.
  • Low to Zero Maintenance


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