How to take care of inverter batteries during summers?

Summers are here. The time of summer vacations. The time of the fresh summer breeze. The time of everyone’s favorite ice cream.
Unfortunately, this magic of summer of fades away the moment the power goes off. Summer vacation turns into a nightmare. Summer breeze turns into a heat wave. Ice cream melts into sorrows. Power cut overshadows the fun of summers.
It is that moment when an inverter system resembles the blessings from the Almighty. We can’t thank the inverter and batteries enough. However, we can take care of them in order to keep them performing without any glitch. As the summer changes your daily lifestyle, it also changes the way you take care of your inverter battery. Here are a few tips that will keep your inverter and battery running as the sun starts to lay its wrath.

Get batteries serviced or replaced in time – This simple suggestion can save you from big trouble. Call a technician and get your inverter unit examined. If all it takes is a little service than it’s perfect, but, if a replacement is your only option then do it without any delay. 

Let the inverter and battery breathe well– The temperature of the inverter battery rises during the charging process. It can lead to compromised battery life. According to research, with every 8­­­­oC rise in temperature battery life is reduced to half. Therefore, it is crucial to install the inverter and battery in a well-ventilated room which has enough air to control the battery temperature.

Check the water level of the battery regularly – Just like us, humans, inverter battery needs to stay hydrated during summers too. The battery must be refilled once every month during the summer season. Ensure that the water level is kept between the maximum and minimum level so that there is no spillage. Furthermore, make sure that never use the tap water or rainwater for refilling. The minerals and impurities present in above-mentioned water types can affect battery performance substantially.

These simple tips can ensure proper performance and maximum life for you inverter and batteries during summers. You can also buy the best quality battery from top-class brand like Okaya to ensure international standard quality. It reduces the risk of any glitch to minimum.
Okaya is India’s most trusted battery manufacturing brand that gives you the products with highest quality. Every Okaya battery undergoes over 117 rigorous quality and performance checks. So the next time you need a battery for your best inverter for home, log on to and order one right from your home.

Apart from inverter batteries, Okaya manufactures Car Battery, e-rickshaw battery, lithium battery, etc. to cater to the everyday need of power backup, both in domestic and commercial facilities. Log on to to Buy Inverter Battery Online


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